At the end of each cruise or at some stopping point along the way we like to do a bit of analysis of our expenditures and other interesting details. Since we will be in our current location for at least a couple of months we thought that now would be a good time for a look at some of the numbers. We are also interested in seeing just how the higher fuel prices would change our past expenditures in that area, and it did indeed change for a couple of reasons. This trip was for the most part done inside the ICW on both the Gulf coast and the eastern coast along
Georgia and a bit of
South Carolina. In addition, we did spend quite a bit more than usual for dockage. We much prefer to anchor out but due to weather and repairs we visited more marinas and moorings than we normally do. We also had significant repairs and replacements that were out of the ordinary, but when planning a budget for cruising, these unexpected expenses need to be planned for even if they don’t occur. So here is an accounting of most of our expenses:
Dockage and moorings $1800.00
Repairs $4850.00
Diesel Fuel $1550.00
Dining $575.00
Replacement Computer $850.00
Entertainment $700.00
Groceries $1350.00
Laundry $30.00
Maintenance $350.00
Miscellaneous $400.00
Postage $95.00
Car Rental $50.00
Gas for Dinghy and Car $150.00
Total $12,800.00
Replacing the computer seems to occur about every 2 to 3 years. Since it has become an important part of our equipment, we replace the old one with what we hope is a better unit with more capacity and processing abilities so we don’t go for cheap. The engine repairs were very expensive because the part that needed replacement was one of the most expensive parts on the engine. We also decided to do a few improvements such as adding additional gauges to the engine while everything was apart. Entertainment expenses included our satellite TV subscription, some new parts for the satellite set up and repairs to the tracking system. The higher cost for fuel was not a surprise since we expect that and it worked out to be what we had previously spent on fuel for a year.

We left
Houston, Texas in early May and arrived in
Beaufort, South Carolina in mid August. Our GPS showed we have traveled 2212 miles over the ground since we left. We have dropped the anchor some 70 times and that also means hauling it back up. But this is really not very often for the distance we have traveled. We have put 352 hours on the engine at an average cost of $4.40 per hour for diesel consumption. We burned 352 gallons coincidentally so we burned 1 gallon per hour average on the entire trip. Another reason our fuel consumption was higher than we normally would use was the lack of sailing we were able to do. When offshore, we often had no wind and traveling the ICW we only used the sails to supplement the engine. We traveled more of the ICW than we would have liked because of poor weather conditions for long periods of time. The weather on the trip was some of the worst we have encountered in all of our cruising. The forecasts we were able to get were also some of the worst. Every trip is different and each budget we plan and the expenditures that ultimately come out of that particular trip are also different. And plan as we might, those unexpected costs can make or break any cruise unless you are fortunate enough to have a very large nest egg or a very steady income. More info on expenses for one of our longer cruises can be found at one of our earlier posts titled "Cruising On A Working Class Budget".